Preheat oven to 425°.
In your 9x13 Bake & Roast Pan, spread oil of choice…coconut, grape-seed, or olive oil.
Place lightly oiled crosscut marrow bones in roast pan and rub with Turmeric.
Place Turmeric rubbed bones in preheated oven and roast until nicely browned on both sides.
While bones are roasting, place onion halves cut side down onto 9x13 Bake & Roast Pan and bake at 400 degrees, until it achieves a nice caramelization.
In 8 Quart Stock Pot, place the now browned bones, onion halves, garlic halves, celery, ginger, cloves, thyme sprigs, bay leaves, and peppercorns.
Add cool water to within 2 inches of top of pan.
Bring to boil.
Cover and reduce heat to low.
Cook low and steady, quiet bubble simmer for 24-28 hours.
Strain the stock through a fine strainer.
Cool now strained stock in an ice bath, stirring stock periodically, approximately 15-20 minutes.
Broth can be used immediately, but if you prefer a broth with less fat, cover and place in refrigerator covered for several hours or overnight.
Remove now congealed fat.
Store refrigerated for up to 5 days or place in freezer safe containers.